Some more Picky Pants Longies in The Wool Company Sunset. These have been put on hold while I do some Big Girl knitting (sorry Charlotte)!
I can't remember the last time I knit myself something - I think when I was a teenager over 20 years ago! I'm tackling the Hourglass Sweater in Cascade 220. Except not being an Hourglass figure I am attempting to reshape it into a Pearshape Sweater;-) This is a pleasantly easy "watching TV" knit.
Other pressing things on my schedule are to complete Miss 6's "Application for Exemption from Enrolment at a Registered School" before a truancy officer come a-knockin'.
What I really want to be doing is working on the cafe structure of I6's new Lego. We did the beach house yesterday, and apartment building this morning. I'm now having manic thoughts about buying myself an Indiana Jones Lego set for our upcoming wedding anniversary. Haven't convinced Dh that it would be a great marriage-strengthening activity - yet!