Sunday, September 30, 2007

Weekend Done List

One finished Reading Pillow for M8. (I have yet to tackle the piping as per Meg's pattern.)

One finished Reading Pillow for H (six on Friday!). It's being posted flat so her Mummy will stuff it for me.
I was supposed to do premmie knitting but I succumbed to the lure of the simple dishcloth instead. These are Grandmother's Favourites (check out all the patterns on my new favourite dishcloth site).
We watched March of the Penguins and loved it. We did housework. We got as far as putting seed mix into the propagators before the awful stormy weather killed the gardening mood. I've neglected both my overseas friends and my nappy sewing.

Today, while I sit watching the storm battering the plants outside, I mull over Mrs Pivec's Sing a Song of Now post. How do you snatch a little bit of time for the things you love, each day?