Monday, April 30, 2007

Exchange Rate

I'm not big on economics but apparently the currently high NZ dollar is bad for our economy. I still remember working for an international aid agency and the great excitement when the NZ dollar crept up, knowing we could buy more US dollars for work overseas.

Now, and the NZ dollar are my friends. I bought books. Only two books...but oh my...they're so nice!

First See and Sew arrived. Daughters and I poured over this with delight. It has a real Milly Molly Mandy sensibility which appeals to us.

Look at her. She even looks like Eldest with dear departed Cat.

A winter making sock dolls. I think so.

Today, The Crafter's Companion hit my letterbox. I want to be a Crafter, badly, desperately, with a feeling that makes my tummy tight. This book is half inspirational but half crippling. I mean, look at that Craft Room. She has a Craft Room. A Room of Her Own. Sigh...
Ah well, onwards into a Winter of Craft accompanied by my books.