Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A Thought or Three

In the place of big resolutions or life changes there has been a weeny bit of simple consideration of who we are and what we do as a family. Perhaps I overstate this a bit. Frankly, I've stumbled into 2009 wondering why it's not still November 2008!

I've been intrigued by some discussion in the blogisphere around the notion that we only show the most polished, "perfect" parts of our lives to the world. I don't consider this to be dishonest - it's natural to self-censor all aspects of our lives - no-one is a totally open book. But I wonder - is there a subtle pressure "out there" to be the greeniest, crunchiest, thoughtfulest, world events awarest, craftiest, knittiest, domesticatediest, homeschooliest Mama out there - complete with stunning photos? While revealing a tiny glimpse of the things that I'm truely passionate about do I neglect to show the frayed edges of my life? Surely those frayed, messy, poor grammar, untidy, dirty, disorganised, grumpy, resentful, yelling, neglectful, selfish, garden-gone-to-seed bits are a part of the whole for me and my family?

I might have another thought or three in a couple of days, or I might be selfishly trying to get my socks finished, or I might be reading to my kids, or I might be trying to hide from my kids, or I might be weeding my garden, or I might be lying around daydreaming, or I might be pickling my gherkins, or I might be needle-felting something pretty to look at, or I might be reading something from my continually breeding book pile, or I might be watching Coronation Street, or I might be reading a trashy magazine, or I might be looking confused wondering how it is already the middle of January...