Excuse the extremely random, waffley nature of this post...that's my brain atm;-)
The girls and I had little Mehndi done on our hands at a recent Indian Bazaar. Fun!
Even though our young man is out of daytime nappies (squeeeeeeee) I still get a buzz making soft, scrummy sherpa nappies for other little botties.
Ah yes, winter is just around the corner. The arrival of the firewood - and disappearance of any discretionary yarn funds up my chimney.
I hope to get a bit more sewing time under my belt this winter as we hibernate inside. Love Lotta's Simple Sewing. Heaps of snazzy, and more to the point, easy projects. I'm also saving for an overlocker - progressing nicely - roll on Mother's Day Sale at my local overlocker store.
I couldn't resist the new Sirdar Hug yarn at my LYS. I bought the sock pattern that went with it with I5 in mind. These were a quick, satisfying knit but, meh, wouldn't do that pattern again. Who really wants to seam socks?
I've been having some even more random and waffley thoughts about my faith while reading Donald Miller's Blue Like Jazz. It's a slightly unsettling but extremely exciting, enjoyable read. I have Through Painted Deserts to listen to on my MP3 player at the gym (oh yeah, maybe I need to get to the gym!).