Today, we constructed! I opted out of making my own houses this year and bought them. I don't think the kids will remember that Mum couldn't be blowed baking this year. I don't think they noticed my blood pressure rising as nose-pickers touched lolly bowls and white icing went all over our (rental!) carpet;-) I hope they'll just retain this activity as a sweet family Christmas memory.
We love our Christmas books. I buy a new one (oops - five this year) every year. What are some of your favourites?
As much as knitting is about the journey for me, it is always immensely satisfying to get stuff finished!
A Jane Austen Dress for I6 - this was made from yarn AND fabric stash so extra satisfying. My February Lady Sweater - quite pleased with this. It's inspired me to keep doing stuff for myself;-)
This headband will form part of a Hugs & Kisses With Love set, with some handwarmers, for a good friend returning to study in Canada. We're hoping she'll feel our love with her when she wears this soft angora/merino.
The kids and I sat down a week ago and made this beeswax modelling clay Nativity. (Mainly to make up for the fact that Mama still hasn't knitted one!) According to A3.75, every good Nativity needs a snake in it (bottom left).
His Joseph, apparently, also needed a bit of a rest with his pillow and blankie as he was tired. Must have been the exertion of that labour in the stable eh? Poor guy.
This film is a must-see if you garden, and particularly if (like us) you actually have an allotment;-) And what's with Eddie Marsan? I'd never heard of the guy till recently but he's been in three films I've watched in the last three weeks!