It's clear to me, observing the piles of fabric breeding in my craft room (a.k.a my bedroom), that I need more fabric like I need a trepanning session on my skull.But does that stop me? No - especially when it is COWBOY fabric. Cowboy CHRISTMAS fabric!! Dude - this was so coming home to my house as soon as I saw it!! So, what shall I do with it? I need some great Christmas crafty ideas for each yard. Otherwise, it will simply be turned into drawstring bags to use in place of Christmas wrapping paper that we can re-use each year.
How could I resist this with all the young ladies I sew for!! What to do, what to do with it??
I've had to let go of my plans of finally having a knitted nativity scene this year as other knitting and sewing projects bump it further down the queue.So what Christmas craft inspirations do you have for me?
We're challenged by Sharon Astyk's list of "Things you can do to get ready for Peak Oil, Climate Change and Difficult Times" in her Depletion and Abundance.Firstly, we're trying to feel encouraged about the things that we are already doing. Here are a random selection of some of them that have been very achievable for our family, so maybe yours too:* Plant a garden and grow some of your own food.* Start walking and biking more.* Start baking your own bread.* Start a compost pile outdoors.* If you don't have a lot of space but are trying to grow much of your own food, grow root crops like potatoes.* Encourage your religious community to reconnect with the agrarian roots of your faith.* Learn to preserve food.* Teach kids how to ride a bike and about basic bike safety.* Put up a clothesline! (Actually I consider it a patriotic duty for New Zealanders to do this!)* Buy a hand-pushed lawn mower.* Have you considered homeschooling? Why yes, Sharon, we have!* Brew your own beer.* Learn a skill that can be done in very low light conditions. Knitting, crocheting;-)* Now is the time to convince your business, school, church, mosque, synagogue to add a garden on that empty lawn.And our exciting new one!* Join a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) if you don't garden, and learn to enjoy the bounty of a seasonal diet.We are anticipating our first delivery on Thursday from the Simply Good Food CSA that we just joined. It feels right to "invest" in an alternative positive venture in these times of instability in the traditional financial sector. We know we are unable to grow ALL our own food in our small suburban back yard and our allotment at our community garden so this is another step towards food security.
M9 made her first preserves by herself in the weekend - a Seville Orange Marmalade using a recipe from Carla. It is good! She makes dinner with her Dad each Sunday night and last night did bread rolls and tomato soup - all from scratch, with only hot oven help from Dad. Proud Mummy!!
Ms SweetP Knits showed her February Lady Sweater progress so I thought I'd show mine. I'm obviously not minding it as much as she is;-) It's being modeled by my 9yr old. No, I'm not as small as a 9yr old and am vaguely wishing I'd cast on the XS instead of the XXS. It meets with a weeny stretch over my not-so-ample bosom. I do have a tendency to make/buy clothing slightly too large for myself so I'm hoping I'll be comfortable with this being more fitting.
I'm liking how my gull lace is turning out - I'm not liking the acrylic yarn on my plastic Denise needles - no where near as pleasing as nice wool yarn on my Knitpicks Harmonies.
At the rate that I'm going (i.e other projects jumping the queue) this really WILL be a February Lady Sweater.
Our ever-increasing Peak Oil Prep library of books by my afternoon coffee armchair.